Schramm polyester cabinets

Did you know that Mechatest is an distributor of Schramm polyester cabinets? These cabinets are made by Schramm and distributed worldwide using our extensive global network. Because the manufacturing process takes place at Schramm, we can deliver all polyester cabinets in standard housing or as a customized solution. Improve the storage and analysis of important samples and purchase your Schramm polyester cabinets today.

The strenght of Schramm polyester cabinets

Schramm polyester cabinets are favored by laboratories and companies all over the world for years now. Why? One of the main reasons is that the glass fiber is made from a reinforced polyester housing. This incredibly tough material protects the contents from corrosive atmospheres, UV radiation and aggressive chemicals. This level of protection prevents contamination of important samples and keeps them representative for a long period of time.


We deliver what you require

Whatever your needs are in regard to sampling equipment and services, our experienced team is ready to assist you. We offer worldwide services and deliver and install your new polyester cabinets by Schramm as quickly as possible. Care to know more about the different cabinets or the joint venture between Schramm and Mechatest? Feel free to contact us by calling at +31 (0)15 – 310 51 83.


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sentry sample cooler | spot sampling | steam sampling system

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