Sample conditioning Systems (SCS)

SCS for analyser system integration

Sample Pre-Conditioning or Conditioning System (SCS) can be necessary to cool the sample, heat up, reduce or boost the pressure or to vaporise from liquid to gas.


Reasons to use a SCS can be:

  • Get lowest lag time and best analyser results
  • Very high pressure or temperature
  • Filtration as soon as possible
  • Create fastloop/bypass circulation systems
  • Very hazardous sample
  • Low pressure or temperature
  • Minimising the sample (gas)volume
  • Faster response if vaporize liquid sample first to gas.

Mechatest O2 Analyser Solution

Mechatest offer a full design and manufacturing capability for the supply of analyser solutions in cabinets and walk-in shelters.

Our solutions are suitable for outdoor use in an industrial environment and ATEX Zone 1 or 2.

After selecting the analysers and designing the sample systems it is very important to choose the environment for the complete system.

The assembly of multiple instruments in a shelter creates several economic advantages:

  • Reliable / stable measurement
  • A good working environment for monitoring and maintenance 
  • Lower maintenance costs 
  • Longer lifespan of the equipment, Etc.
  • In a lot of cases a “walk-in” shelter is a very good and durable solution.

Engineering and manufacturing high quality analyser shelters. Mechatest offer a full design and manufacturing capability for the supply of analyser shelters. Our shelters are suitable for outdoor use in an industrial environment. After selecting the Analysers and designing the sample systems it is very important to choose the environment for the complete system.

The assembly of multiple instruments in a shelter creates several economic advantages:
  • Reliable / stable measurement
  • A good working environment for monitoring and maintenance 
  • Lower maintenance costs 
  • Longer lifespan of the equipment, etc.
  • In a lot of cases a “walk-in” shelter is a very good and durable solution.


  • Stack Emission Monitoring - CEMS Analyser Systems, Analysis of Hydrocarbons, O2, CO, CO2, NO, Nox, SO2, H2O
  • Custody-Transfer of Natural Gas, Analysis of BTU, N2 to C6+, H2S, Dewpoint for offshore and pipeline metering skids
  • Ultra-Low-Sulfur Diesel, Analysis of Sulfur in diesel fuel for most highway vehicles
  • Quality Analyzer systems, Perfectly tailored to your individual requirements
  • Steam and Water Analysis System (SWAS), Analysis of pH, Conductivity, Silica, Sodium, Dissolved Oxygen, Phosphate, Chlorides, TOC for power stations
  • etc.
  • ASTM D 4057
  • ASTM D1265-05
  • NACE MR0175 or MR0103
Check our list of all specific "sampling" codes & standards. goto codes & standards

Sample Pre-conditioning Systems

Mechatest Sample Conditioning Solution

The total of the necessary equipment for this is called the Pre-conditioning system.

This system is placed on or near the sample take-off point. The sample pre-conditioning system can typically comprise one of the following components:

  • Booster pump
  • Pressure regulator
  • Vaporising pressure regulator
  • Cooling or heating facility
  • Pressure or flow indicator

When pressure regulators or vaporising pressure regulators are used, it is very important that the volume between the sample “sample take-off point” and the vaporiser (regulator) is kept to a minimum to avoid long sample time lag. 

Sample Conditioning Systems

Sample Conditioning System (SCS) are necessary if some of the functions are not solved in the pre-conditioning;

  • Pressure (reducing or boostering)
  • Filtration (particles / condensate)
  • Temperature (cooling or heating)
  • Flow regulation
  • Humidity / Condensation
  • Safety (spring return and/or relief valves)