Product Comparison of sampling systems

Dopak® alternatives - Cross reference list sampling systems

Need an alternative Sampler or Sampling Solutions?

Mechatest Sampling Solutions products are interchangeable with those from Dopak®.
Our advantages are widely acknowledged and include a far greater range of products for better flexibility, higher quality standards, faster deliveries and realistic pricing


Please note that Mechatest® sampling systems are alternatives for Dopak® samplers. These list do not cover all our sampling systems, only similar types. Check the specifications of each, or consult us for more information.

Liquid samplers (DPM Series)

Liquid samplers (HD Series)

In line liquid samplers (DPT Series)

Coupled valves liquid samplers (S32 Series)

Liquid Sampler - Fixed volume sampling

Dopak model Mechatest model
 S23 Series  ECO-FV Sampler

Liquefied gas (LPG) sampler 

Dopak model Mechatest model
 S32-LG Series  LPG Sampler

Mechatest versus Dopak samplers

Liquid Sampler - Needle type with glass bottle and septa

  • Closed sampling
  • Liquid vapor pressure < 0.7 bar