calibration Systems

Calibration for analyser systems

Engineering and manufacturing high quality and reliable analyser solutions. Analyser systems can improve product quality, increase the yields of products with higher economic value, increase product throughput and output and reduce energy costs.


Process analyzer systems should be considered for product quality control when frequent and rapid measurements are required because of fast and substantial variations in process stream quality.

Today, environmental standards are becoming more stringent. Process analyzers are used to detect hazardous plant conditions and for monitoring government-mandated requirements concerning pollutants in ambient air, stack emissions, and effluent streams.

Mechatest O2 Analyser Solution

Mechatest offer a full design and manufacturing capability for the supply of analyser solutions in cabinets and walk-in shelters.

Our solutions are suitable for outdoor use in an industrial environment and ATEX Zone 1 or 2.

After selecting the analysers and designing the sample systems it is very important to choose the environment for the complete system.

The assembly of multiple instruments in a shelter creates several economic advantages:

  • Reliable / stable measurement
  • A good working environment for monitoring and maintenance 
  • Lower maintenance costs 
  • Longer lifespan of the equipment, Etc.
  • In a lot of cases a “walk-in” shelter is a very good and durable solution.

Engineering and manufacturing high quality analyser shelters. Mechatest offer a full design and manufacturing capability for the supply of analyser shelters. Our shelters are suitable for outdoor use in an industrial environment. After selecting the Analysers and designing the sample systems it is very important to choose the environment for the complete system.

The assembly of multiple instruments in a shelter creates several economic advantages:
  • Reliable / stable measurement
  • A good working environment for monitoring and maintenance 
  • Lower maintenance costs 
  • Longer lifespan of the equipment, etc.
  • In a lot of cases a “walk-in” shelter is a very good and durable solution.


  • Stack Emission Monitoring - CEMS Analyser Systems, Analysis of Hydrocarbons, O2, CO, CO2, NO, Nox, SO2, H2O
  • Custody-Transfer of Natural Gas, Analysis of BTU, N2 to C6+, H2S, Dewpoint for offshore and pipeline metering skids
  • Ultra-Low-Sulfur Diesel, Analysis of Sulfur in diesel fuel for most highway vehicles
  • Quality Analyzer systems, Perfectly tailored to your individual requirements
  • Steam and Water Analysis System (SWAS), Analysis of pH, Conductivity, Silica, Sodium, Dissolved Oxygen, Phosphate, Chlorides, TOC for power stations
  • etc.
  • ASTM D 4057
  • ASTM D1265-05
  • NACE MR0175 or MR0103
Check our list of all specific "sampling" codes & standards. goto codes & standards

Calibration Systems

Liquid calibration system by Mechatest
Liquid calibration system by Mechatest

Calibration system for FT-NIR analyser

This kind of calibration system is ideal for the cleaning and calibration of the FT-NIR analyser. The calibration system is based on two storage vessels, one for cleaning with Pentane and one for calibration with Toluene. The buffers vessels with levelalarm will avoid that gas-bubbles will flow to the analyser.

Importance of Sample Probes

Mechatest Filter Sample Probe

Sample probes are very important and mostly an underestimated part of the sampling system.
Why you should use sample probes;

  • Free First Filtration Effect!
  • Faster Response (< Lag Time)
  • Representative Sample, better results!
  • Moisture Filtration (fallback) Principle

See more sample probe options >>

Sample Probes Types

Mechatest Retractable Sample Probe
  • Open Probes
  • Filter Probes
  • Multiport Probes
  • Heated Probes
  • Fallback Probes
  • Small Bore Gas Probes
  • Retractable Sample Probes
  • Isokinetic Steam Probes

Calculating Services;

  • Lag Time
  • Velocity
  • Probe Vibration
  • Moisture Fallback Effect

Liquid Recovery Systems

Liquid recovery system by Mechatest

The Mechatest liquid sample recovery systems are specifically designed to collect liquids of sample effluent from process liquid analysers and return this to the process line or any other suitable location.

Because of the high sensitivity of the process analysers the sample discharge needs to drain under atmospheric pressure conditions. Liquid sample recovery systems provides a stable condition at the process analyzer outlet.

Typical applications are analysis of gasoline, bio

The system is also ideal for use in applications where it is undesirable to discharge hydrocarbons or chemicals into sewage drains.

Effectively dealing with the effluent from process analyzers is a concern to both environmental engineers and process analyzer engineers at petrochemical plants.